Scrum is for complex work
- release often
- support product
Scrum is a process
- its not a 'methodology'
Empiric (Scrum Pillars)
- Courage
- Focus
- Commitment
- Respect
- Openness
- Product Owner
- Development Team
- Scrum Master
- Product Backlog
- Scrum Backlog
- Increment
- Sprint
- Spring Planning
- Daily Scrum
- Spring Review
- Sprint Retrospective
Backlog Management (from Mistral)
- Prioritization
- Refinement
- Expectation management
Sprint Planning
- Scrum team, all attend
- Inspect Product Backlog
- Sprint Goal created
- Sprint Backlog created
30 d or less
- All activities in 30 d or less
- Focus on dev
- Start with Sprint Planning
- Daily Scrums
- End in Sprint Retro
Daily Scrum
15 mins
- Inspect, Adapt
- Clear blockers, create focus
- 15 minutes
Sprint Review
- Inspect product Increment w. stakeholders
- PO shares done/not done/state of P. Backlog
- Dev Team shares Increment
- Update Product Backlog
Sprint Retrospective
- Scrum Team discuss whats good/improvement
Scrum in complex environment
- Scaled scrum
- Adapting scrum to orgs
- Multi-team scrum
- Agile portfolio management
- Continuous Improvement
Sourced from video What is scrum
What is the guideline timebox for Sprint Planning?
- 8 hours for 30 day sprint.
What amount work should developers complete in a Sprint?
- increment that fulfills the Definition of Done.
Which party of the Scrum Team defines the DoD?
Unless its an organizational standard, the Scrum Team creates suitable Definition of Done that relates to the product.
Who manages the work during a Sprint?
- The Developers.
What should the Scrum Team do in the first Sprint?
- a valuable and useful increment.
Who is responsible for adding or dropping Product Backlog items from Sprint Backlog?
- everyone on the Scrum Team, but basically its dialogue between PO and devs.
Is it true that Scrum Team members should never be replaced?
Not true, members can change, whilst also observing the short-term reduction in productivity.
When does next sprint begin?
- immediately after the end of the previous Sprint.
During Sprint Retro, should the team select process items to add into Backlogs?
- false, this was recommended before 2020 update to Scrum Guide.
When would Scrum Master cancel the sprint?
- never, Only the Product Owner has the authority to cancel the Sprint, when Sprint Goal becomes obsolete.