Use vals not vars Is Object mutable? - if the effect of your methods on the object depend on the history of the object -- what happened to the object before - then the object is mutable. object HelloWorld { // Casimirs second scala program def main( args: Array[Strings] ) { // note: array definition is whitespace sensitive (no ws) println( "Hello, Booty!" ) } } Scala: OO, Functional, Static -> subclasses and mix-ins -> anon and higher-order functions -> function nesting and currying Compiled with scalac Executed with scala Syntax * Case Sensitive * ClassNamesCamelCase * methodNamesLowCamelCase * filename same as object name * identifiers * keywords (including $) cannot be used as identifiers * Operator identifiers ++, Mixed identifiers _+m , Literal identifiers `` * multiline comment /** **/, single line comment // * statements terminated by \n or ; -char * package-declaration on first line: package com.liftcode.stuff * import scala.xml._ * Java datatypes * literals Variables and values var myVar : String = "Foo" val aVal : String = "Bar" // immutable val bVal : Int; var nVar = 10; // type inference val uVal = "Waa"; // type inference * private, protected, public * access mod scope: private[packagename] Operators * precedence Loops, Conditionals Functions def functionName ([params]) : [return type] = { // function body return [expr] } * function that does not return anything has return-type Unit ( == void in java) * function call: functionName( param list ) // or instance.functionName( param list ) Collections * Lists, Sets, Maps, Tuples, Options, Iterators Classes class Point(xc: Int, yc: Int) { var x: Int = xc var y: Int = yc def move(dx: Int, dy: Int) { x = x + dx y = y + dy println ("Point x loc: " + x); println ("Point y loc: " + y); } } object Test { def main(args: Array[String]) { val pt = new Point(1,2); pt.move(33, 22); } } * override (param/method sig) * extends (class) * singleton objects with keyword -object Traits - mixins trait Equal { def isEqual(x: Any) : Boolean def isNotEqual(x: Any) : Boolean = !isEqual(x) } class Point with Equal { // logic } Pattern matching def matchTest(x: Int): String = x match { case 1 => "yks" case 2 => "kaks" } * regexes live in scala.util.matching.Regex -package Exceptions Extractors * unapply * apply File I/O * * val writer = new PrintWriter; writer.write(_str); * * Source.fromFile("wat").foreach { print } Sites myMap.get(myKey) map (theValue => /* code to transform theValue */) CSV file parsing map util for money, time * Decimal rounding dollar to cent, time to 2 decimals * hours between 18-06 +1.15/h * overtime scala.collection.mutable.HashMap[0->1.25,2->1.5,4->2] Output "wages %m/%y" "%ID, %NN, %SAL"