tek, thinks & la strada ☯ॐ☢ csmr@kapsi

Accessibility and businesses

Accessibility poses some challenges, but also opportunity. Whole business cases have been created by accessiblity challenges, and good accessibility will improve your brand reputation, broaden available market, and minimize risks of legal litigation.

The positives may outdo the negatives

As all of us will experience accessibility challenges as we age (due to eyesight and other faculties diminishing), more than one in seven people, over 15%, may require accesibility.

This is not a trivial number, and many of them are not technically considered disabled. Also consider situational or temporary limitations to faculties, such as noisy, bright or restricted environment, poor connection or older devices, or an injury such as leg in a cast.

Market share gain potential exists by a11y-enabling your business. Brands that lead the way, drive innovation stand out. Finally, social responsibility exists outside the ROI.

Brands that consider the 1 billion disabled in the World may have all the above.

Aging and accessibility

So, some people may be blind, deaf? A complete disability. But then even a partial limitation to eyesight might limit the use of many web apps.

Unless accessibility is considered, planned and designed, for.

Further, every single one of us will develop limitations with aging. You too.

Once of senior age, chances are you will experience age-related impairment ot limitations to:

  • Sight and vision
  • Dexterity and fine motor skills
  • Hearing
  • Cognitive ability
These limitations overlap with those of people with disability.

Negatives? How bad could accessibility fail get?

Frustration caused by inability to do business may make users complain about your business.i They may even be unable to use your app safely and in privacy.

Your organization or business may lose reputation or revenue.

Finally, as countries and communities draft laws in support of accessibility, your party may be subject to costly lawsuits and even punitive costs.

In USA, a blind person even sued Domino's pizza over accessibility, and a court decided in their favor.

Who needs accessibility?

Broad spectrum of users from common devices to IOT appliances and wearables.

One in seven have limitations, and all of us will develop some with age.

Responsibilities and laws

UN has the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD), enforced 2008. WHO estimates that 25% of the worlds population is affected by disability, 80% of them in low-income countries.

EUs Web Accessibility Directivi adheres to WCAG 2.1. The anglo-american countries adhere to WCAG 2.0, generally. Finland implemented accessibility law that deals with public sector/government digi-services.

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