Almost a year on a ketodiet has passed. No sugar, Very Low Carbohydrate. In fact, its simple and great. Ketodiet keeps blood sugar levels nice and even. Ketosis is fine.
It is not complicated. Skip all processed foods, and eliminate all added carbs and sugars from diet. Change to mineral salt to supplement low amounts of potassium and magnesium.
Ketodiet will benefit your metabolic health, and its also likely to improve mood. There just is no logic to eating carbs: the body does not need carbs. Not a necessary nutrient for human health. A little insoluable fiber is all thats needed.
All the silly scare stories about brain damage or kidney damage from people who know absolutely nothing about metabolism. No, ketodiet will not give you brain damage. It just might eliminate the mental commotion that the hormonal responses to sugar causes, though.
Why would fat and protein cause kidney damage? I'm sorry but the industrially processed carbs and other crap are much more likely to cause that, compared to a diet that is mostly fat and protein, nutrients that are directly absodbed.
I am sorry.
- Fact is, most things you've read, have been told or think you know about nutrition are calculated lies, politics or baseless facts floating on air. Vague thinks, constructs to argue for a product.
Stop Sugar. It's the one thing a grown-up can do to prevent serious problems to their health. Stop eating industrially created foods. The gut misidentifies processed foods, the result is metabolic disease.
And stop eating all the medications that do not heal your body. Fix your diet, soon medications can be discontinued.
Copyright 2020 Casimir Pohjanraito