First day on Nanoc 4
A quick look at a basic Nanoc 4 content doc, yml-header and using header values in a layout (template). A typical /content
-file in Nanoc 4 has a yml -content at the beginning, between '---'.
For this post, its like:
--- title: "First day on Nanoc 4" time: 15.12.2016 datetime: 2016-12-15T01:48:26+0200 --- html code here
Now, note the quotes around the title -string. For time, I just type whatever I want. For datetime, I use vim's strftime
:put =strftime('%FT%T%z')- That outputs an ISO-timestring, from the function strftime (linux).
To use the values in the yml-field, inline ruby code is added, using erb -template tags <% commands here %>
. For example, In layout/default.html
for this page:
<article> <time datetime="<%= @item[:datetime] %>"><%= @item[:time] %></time> <h1><%= @item[:title] %></h1> <%= yield %> </article>
You can see the result at the top of this very page: The time and title above are from the content-html's yml-header, the structure with article from the layout, and these text-paragraphs are placed where 'yield' is on the layout -template.
Showing source code in your site
The convetion with html5 is generally to use <pre>-tag for blocks of code, and <code<-tag for inline code, such as directories or commands. Css-styles are also needed for these:
article code, article pre { color: #dfb; white-space: pre-wrap; } article code { padding: 0.5em; margin: 0.25em; border: 1pt darkgreen solid; }
Unless one uses a html-escaping or a syntax highlighting helper, there is yet another thing one needs to use to show html-code on a html page: escaping tags.i Replacing the literal html -tags with html-character entities, so that instead of functioning as html-structure in this document, they show up as just inline text-content. I do this simply by selecting the code in vim and:
:'<,'>:s/</\</g<enter>- Naturally I have to do the same for all the '<' and the '&' in the command quoted above - replace them with '<' and '&' 8) for it to show correctly on the page. Which in turn in the source code of this paragraph are written as
and &amp;
, which in turn, recursively...