tek, thinks & la strada ☯ॐ☢ csmr@kapsi

Humans are haters

All the tech and material wealth cannot hide the fact that most westerners are primitive haters. Even the most tech-savvy amount only to anti-social shit-slinging and narcissistic territorial games.

The finnish, the swedish, the US

This is the reality. The most privileged humans in the history of the World.

What do they amount to?

Dogmas. Hating. Division. Exclusion.

The programmers and the academics

They use cherry-picked scientific facts as weapons. They attack and harass. They abuse and misrepresent.

They fail at explaining their view. They don't even try to make a clear-cut argument.

It is not about making sense. It is not about reaching out to communicate with other humans.

It is about hating other people. It is about having only their view as the only view.

The ad-media journalists and bishops

Only their tower must stand. There must be no room for other towers.

Any excuse or chance to attack, marginalize, demonize.

The bishops will clean their gowns and appear all pristine with the morally superior argument. Any other view must not come to this church.

This has been normal for millenia, and nothing must change.

The media-editor will mimic the bishop. The media is so clean and politically correct. Such a great graphic-design; to demonize, to repeat the correct story.

The citizen will do as programmed

The ad-media consumer, the church follower will do as instructed.

The bishop and the media told the only right truth, after all. An alibi.

The citizen read it on the newsmedia. This must be so. How dare those other people over there say this media isn't right?

We must attack! We must abuse them because our story is the right one!

The story on the media. It must be the only truth.

The street belongs to cars only

The ad-media showed me how powerful I am with this product. I am the green driver in my 3 ton vehicle moving my 85 kilogram body.

Powerful enough to drive on the walkway and cycle lane. I will hit with my fist all cyclists who come in my way on the cycle lane. I will pass so near them they fly off the street. The car-territory is my right only, and the 100 kilowatt engine proves it.

My gender is the only gender that knows

The ad-media told me I am right. All the others are wrong. Those other people I must attack now. Feminism is the better gender.

Men cannot know this. Men cannot talk about this. All men are wrong about this. We are the ones who must come first.

I am saving the planet with trolling

The ad-media told me the truth about science. I am a science-warrior now that I've read books, and that justifies me to attack and hate using computers and internet backbones.

My knowledge is the only right knowledge. All other facts must be ignored.

My cause is the right one. Veganism will save the animals, and this cannot be discussed. Only veganism will be right, and no questions can be allowed.

I am the European. I am the US citizen.

Only the people who agree with me must have the right to speak.

Only the car-owners must have the right to decide. Others I will hit, attack, destroy their phone, scream and rave, and spread evil rumors on the social media. My dog proves I am a better person.

There must be no other view. All space must be for me, alone.

I am the finnish. I am the european. I am the berliner feminist. I am saving the planet with my trolling, my hate and my division.

Dogmatic science is my justification

There can be no other explanation. Any alternative evidence means they are lying, and I am justified to abuse others.

I abuse people online, demonize on the media, because I have the better story. I have the better role. I have the better group.

My hate and violence and abuse is better because:

Scientism, environmentalism, feminism, volunteerism, media-consumerism, communism, anarchism, better-ism, holierthanthou-ism.

I don't need to show scientific knowledge because I read the news

No I don't need to have understanding of the research. I am justified to hate because Helsingin Sanomat wrote about this once. I am justified to hate because The Guardian ran a story about this twice.

I am saving the climate with this. I am scientific with this. I am paying all the taxes with this. I am justified to do anything. My story is the only story that is allowed.

I am for the better group of people. We are making a better World, so what is a little abuse. They probably had it coming, because I have seen a journalist on video talking about sciency stuff.

I am the well-todo westerner

I cannot communicate the facts. I cannot quantify anything.

I cannot hold a decent dialogue for more than 5 minutes, without attacking, demonizing, sissy-fits, insults. I am the well-off westerner with no material limitations.

I cannot tell which scientific publication proves, what I believe. I believe this because I am this belief.

I cannot make any meaningful non-opinionated statement. But I must be scientific because my ad-media and my some-bubble tells me so.

These ideas are My Identity. I got them from ad-media. They must be true. This is the only truth.

Programmer Undergraduate student

I have read several books so I can ignore scientific evidence. I know C++ so I can hate and harass you on Libera.chat. I am far superior to you because I know programming.

I am justified to hate any alternative because my technology is the most popular one. I am an university student so my Wikipedia-links are the final truth. I am not required to make any good arguments, C++ and uni-enrollment proves this.

Our student ring can now harass you and attack you. Besides you didn't subscribe to our Ism cause. Therefore I am free to destroy your property, and shriek evil slander at you.

Planet Saviour westerner

I am justified to abuse, hate, troll, misattribute because I am Planet-Savior. Besides my gender means I am always right.

I am the kurd immigrant so I can hate non-kurd non-immigrants. I am the woman with vulva so all men are bad. I am the climate-warrior so all traffic must now stop.

I am the driver of automobile-products so I will run over you. I am the consumer of multi-ton vehicle so I must park the vehicle in the park, on the grass, in the middle of the public walkway.

Dog-owner driver dieter

I am the dog-owner so I know that dogs can be shut in a car, in a cage, on a hot day. I am the dog-owner so I know dogs, and I can free my dog next to a four-lane highway.

I am the dieter, because the ad-media told me to lose weight. I cut fat, but I cannot show one single piece of systemic knowledge that proves anything about fat.

Only I am justified to talk about fat, because I am fat and have been on a diet for many times. I am justified to hate you if you talk about fat, because I see myself as fat, because the ad-media diet didn't work to make me look like the ad-media stars.

Journalist Establishment Moralist

But think of the children? If I do, I can hate you. And I will hate you. I am a westerner with no material limitations.

Alarm! Alarm! This and that is now the official truth and I will alarmist. These bush fires here prove I am universally correct. There must be no alternative stories. And now to our advertisers of alcohol and big pharma.

The marginalized must remain marginalized. The greenwashing is important for our future. The officials are always right. I am not required to check any of it.

Israeli Settler Russian

I am justified to shoot at them, because these are our land. The biblical prophecy proves it. All others are wrong.

I can now burn down and attack their homes. I can now snipe pregnant women. We are so downtrodden in World War 2.

How dare those journalists come here? I am justified to drive over them, to imprison them, to treat them like animals.

Official Medical Doctorate

I am justified in eliminating human rights, because I have a view on a vaccine product. I can demonize people and call them "terrorists", because I have a medical degree.

I am better person, because I work for a health bureau. I know all things about an experimental vaccine-product that has no due process for it. All people must obey my viewpoint and my ivory-tower.

I must not question this, MD's and PhD's don't question, they obey. I must not consider these products have not had proper medical trials completed. We are better humans because we have medical degrees and this justifies it all.

I am the urbanite

I am the well educated. I am the highest living standards in history.

I live in urban areas, I carry no water, I have machines to do the work and ad-media for my thinking. This is what it has made me.

I will act on anger to censor. I make science into dogma. I will have no personal accountability for any of this.

I will hate you. I will abuse you. I will misrepresent you.

I will misattribute you. I will lie about you just to silence you.

Copyright C. P. - Last Updated - All Rights Reserved - Ask permission to republish.